Here we are, after a rollercoaster year, working on the next big improvement for the cabin. We are replacing the pier to the dock.
It would be an easy thing, you'd think. It's not.
Since the lake is controlled by Duke Power, permits need to be pulled and we have the extra ring to jump through since our dock is so old that it is grandfathered. Good old #43. That was the number of docks on the lake when it was built...

No modifications of any kind. So we have to rebuild it in the same place that the old one was. The rules have gotten tighter since ours was put in and they don't do things like that anymore. So we can't have any kind of double-decker, change the footprint, or add anything to it.
But I am excited to have the work done. I love walking out on the pier in the morning and watch the fisherman trolling for the next bite or watching the sunrise from behind the mountain. It's a great addition to the property.
Take a look at Day One - Deconstruction.