First, have thick skin.
Have a strong back.
Work long hours.
Be handy for all kinds of things.
Learn to take a minute when you can to enjoy the view.
The lake is already humming with fisherman, boats and swimmers. Birds are chirping and the sun is rising over the cove.
Its time to get to work. Lots on the list today. I have sat down for a few minutes to feel the warming, dappled sunlight on the porch swing. I have my tea at the ready next to THE LIST. This is just one of many that I keep. There are so many moving parts to this business.
This list is just what I am thinking to do while having a sip of tea. It’s worse when I take a shower. My brain flips a switch and everything comes up and I start reciting to myself over and over the important bits so I can remember once I get out and get to a pad of paper.
This season is different than the others. It’s our our fourth. But unlike the first where I didn’t know anything, now I feel like a veteran. But this season, I know no one is confident about. It’s all new. It’s very different. We have to balance everyone‘s health. I worry about my cleaner, I worry about my guests and I worry about my family. It’s a balance. People need to feel a bit of normalacy after these last few months and my cleaner needs to make a living for his family and I want people to feel comfortable.
Its all about the details. It’s all about the love and pride we put into our home. Get it cleaned up and open the doors.
Welcome back. The lake is ready.